Our kids are ready to encounter God in a deeper way.
Jennie Allen has had a vision for Theolaby since her kids were in preschool, and 15 years later, it's time for it to exist.
Our Mission
Theolaby equips parents in the busiest season of life with simple, engaging tools that fuel their kids’ curiosity and give them a big view of God.
Shop NowAbout the author and visionary
Jennie Allen is the New York Times bestselling author of 'Get Out of Your Head' and the founder and visionary of IF:Gathering. She is a passionate leader following God's call on her life to catalyze a generation to live what they believe. Jennie has a Masters in Biblical Studies from Dallas Theological Seminary and lives in Dallas, Texas, with her husband, Zac, and their four children. Find more tools and resources from Jennie here.
A note from Jennie
Dear Parents, Aunties and Uncles, Grandparents, Teachers, Sunday School Leaders, and All of you who love the next generation,
Fifteen years ago, I found myself smack in the middle of raising (and surviving) a house full of little ones. I wanted to know God for myself and teach my children about who He is. As I did, I found myself searching for the right resources to help. They wanted to know what kind of slingshot David used, how long Moses floated in a basket, and what other fruit was in the garden, but I struggled to get them to connect to the heart of God—His character and His power in their life.
That’s when I began dreaming about Theolaby.
I wanted resources that caused my kids not to just know about God, but to experience His power and His love for them. My greatest prayer was that my kids would have a personal relationship with Jesus.
So in that effort, these pages were creatively written directly to your child and are theologically grounded in Scripture. Under the words in these books, we’ve provided the scriptures that inspired them, and we encourage you to read both to your child. My other hope and prayer for my kids is that, as a family, we can come together and talk openly about God and His Word. No topic or question off limits! But even my seminary degree couldn’t have prepared me for the deep questions I would get from my five-year old son!
On the last page, we have given you a simple activity guide to inspire great memories and conversations with your kids, based on each story you will read to them.
My prayer is that Theolaby would be pivotal to our children’s understanding of God’s character and their relationship with the Creator. Their little minds grasp more than we think! Let’s give them a huge, fun, and personal understanding of Jesus and His plans for them!
Will you join me?
In faith,

Friends of Theolaby
Jennie Allen is a trusted voice. Her teaching has impacted my appreciation for the Bible. She loves God, scripture ...and kids! How wonderful that she is directing her skills toward children. Theolaby is a great and welcomed idea.
One of my seminary professors used to say, “God’s Word is like the ocean… there’s room on the beach for even children to play, but there are depths to which no man has ever gone.” Theolaby is that beach where parents can play with their children under the warmth of God’s sunbeam while listening to the gentle roar of the waves of His Word that invites us to swim.
There's nothing more important than integrated spiritual formation from parent to kids, and Jennie has absolutely nailed this by giving us the resources and tools we so desperately need and desire to give our kids a big vision of God, and bigger story to live in. I will be buying 20 copies to give out to friends immediately!
Jennie does a beautiful job capturing the truth of Scripture so that little minds can comprehend the glorious works of our Creator God.
I Am Creator is absolutely stunning and set apart! Jennie has so brilliantly put the heart of God on display here! Kids and parents alike will find themselves mesmerized as Scripture unfolds like an invitation before their eyes, a calling to know their Creator in a fresh way!
If you’ve ever wanted to talk to your kids about God but don’t know where to start, Jennie Allen has created an incredible resource for you. I Am Creator will not only give you and your kids a big view of our big God as he created the world, but it will start you on a journey of meaningful conversations together that can impact your family for years to come.
The most important thing we can teach our babies is that there is a God who loves them, intentionally created them, and filled them with gifts and talents to fulfill his purpose on this earth. In a rapidly changing world, I’m so grateful Jennie has created this powerful series to help our babies know who, whose, and why they are.
Theolaby books by Jennie Allen are breathtakingly beautiful and brimming with the truth of who God is and who we are as His children. I will be reading them to our grandbabies for years to come!
...I Am Creator celebrates the beauty and glory of God’s work in creation with whimsical artwork and Scriptural truths on every page. This book shares the goodness of God and his hopeful purpose for creation.
Jennie’s new book I Am Creator seeks to engage kids’ hearts while planting solid theology in their souls, and I truly believe it will help your kids encounter God in a meaningful, life-changing way.
A beautiful book with a beautiful message. Jennie writes in a way that will stir you and your child to wonder and worship over God’s heart and plan for his people.
Theolaby comes alongside parents to offer children what they need the most --a true and grand view of God and His redemptive story.
The Story of God series teaches children about the beauty of God, His creation, and His plan for their life...This is a great gift for families to grow in faith together.